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Modify Your CV With BERN

Description of the session

This event will cover what are some of the simplest edits we can make to our CV to make it more appealing to potential employers or organisations. We'll also go through some tips and tricks that online articles will rarely tell you about! How to edit your CV When you're preparing for a job, you want to think about what you have to offer. How can you make your experiences and skills better than you thought possible?

Learning outcomes

In this session, stackies will

  1. How can you make your experiences and skills better than you thought possible?
  2. What is the best way to use information in your resume?
  3. Can you go for an internship or a short-term job?

Things to try

After watching this video, these are some of the things stackies wanna try:

  1. Edit your CV accordingly suggested by our speaker.
  2. Share your CV below in the comments.

If you have any doubts/questions feel free to ask below!